UoK Paper and Plastic Reduction Program

  The University of Kerbala has an ambitious program to reduce using paper and plastic products inside the campus. For example, electronic communications and e-meeting system have used as a replacement of paperwork. This large-scale project is a regional effort with other institutions like the City Council of Karbala and other universities in the Holy City. The Sustainable Campus Initiative seeks to decrease plastic and paper usage and encourage environmentally responsible behavior on campus, helping to preserve the environment and advance the worldwide fight against climate change. Reduced carbon emissions, less plastic waste, less paper consumption and a greener campus community are all part of our aims. The following objectives describing more about the program to reduce the use of paper and plastic on campus as:
  1. Enable using a system that is paper-free.
  2. Reduce the single-use plastics on campus.
  3. Raise awareness about the environmental effects associated with plastic trash.
  4. Encourage sustainable practices among students, faculty, and staff.
  5. Reduce plastic-related carbon emissions through sensible consumption.
Program Initiatives:
  1. Paperless Campus:
  •         Encourage the use of a paperless system for office and academic processes.
    • Promote the use of digital platforms, communications, and documents that are electronically stored.
    • Offer resources and training for converting to paperless workflows.
    • Keep track of and report on the decrease in paper and plastic usage and related CO2
  1. Reusable Paper:
    • Use techniques like double-sided printing to cut down on paper use.
  •         Encourage staff members to examine and edit papers electronically before printing.
    • Encourage the use of technology and online platforms rather than paper ones.
    • Keep track of and recognize departments that significantly reduce their use of paper.
  1. Campaigns:
  •  Develop a “Less Plastic Use” rule that applies to everyone on campus.
  • Implement the “UoK Reuse Plastic Bag” project to cut down on the use of plastic bags.
  • Promote the usage of reusable bottles, bags, and other items on campus.
  • Promote a “if you cannot reuse it, refuse it” mindset to minimize plastic waste.
4. Plastic-Free Events:
    • Arrange plastic-free activities on campus, such as lectures, workshops, and awareness-raising campaigns.
    • Make campus cafeterias, vending machines, and stores plastic-free areas.
    • Use recyclable alternatives for single-use plastic items (such as reusable water fountains and biodegradable cutlery).
5. Waste Reduction and Recycling:
  • Place recycling containers for paper, plastic, and other recyclables all across the campus.
  • Promote correct recycling techniques to reduce pollution.
  • Encourage trash separation on campus to decrease waste.
6. Student Participation:
  • Encourage student participation in sustainability programs through clubs, activities, and competitions.
  • Establish a program for sustainability ambassadors to support student initiatives in efforts to reduce the use of plastic.
  • Honor and promote student-led activities that advance the goals of the program.